Host, Author and Coach Reinhard Klett

Host, Author and Coach Reinhard Klett


Tired of just coasting?

Make your commitment to personal and spiritual growth!

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Provided by Reinhard Klett

As a personal and business coach, helping my clients to reach their potential, the first step is to help them to have clarity about who they want to become and what they want to accomplish in life.

As a believer, I need to ask myself, who does God want me to become and what does He want me to do as an expression of who I am becoming. The Bible has provided the answers -at least in principle- for all of life’s questions.

Do you desire to grow deeper and faster on your journey to personal and spiritual maturity? Then this Biblical coaching program is for you! We will work on putting our best understanding into practice, so we can become the light to the world and the salt of the earth.